When the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world last year, our district decided to have the Four-Way Test Speech Competition virtually – and WOW, what a year! The results proved to be better than expected and the students thrived. This virtual format encouraged a wider diversity of student participation. However, we know that reaching out to students directly poses a challenge. These students do not have built in-school support and schooling for many has been challenging during the pandemic.
The 2021 4-Way Test Contest will be held virtuallyl This year, like last year, we will ensure that all students have equal access to support. We are paring students without school support with Rotarians and Rotaractor willing to vet topics, proof speeches, and coach students on presentation skills. This is a win-win situation as students receive the support they deserve, and Rotarians and Rotaractors have the opportunity to mentor and judge contestants.
If you are interested in serving in this capacity and to learn more, visit rotary7620.org/four-way-test-speech-contest. Complete the mentor application form by FEBRUARY 14, 2021.
Please contact RotarianTemrah Okonski, [email protected] with any questions.
- Students will submit a youtube video by March 27th. First round of judging will take place on March 27th and this round of judging will produce 12 finalists.
- These finalists will submit another youtube video by April 10 (Semifinals). Semifinals will take place on April 10 and this round of judging will narrow the contestants to 4.
- The final 4 contestants will make their presentations “live” to the district, during the district’s virtual conference on April 23 and April 24. Awards will be presented on April 24 during the conference.