Press Release
Scott GregScott Gregory receies CFAAC's Volunteer of the Year Award for 2023
The Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County held it's Celebration of Philanthropy event at Live Casino & Hotel Maryland last week and members of The Rotary Club of Parole (Annapolis) were in attendance at multiple tables. Over three hundred people were there celebrating the impressive philanthropy of so many people in Anne Arundel County and especially one of our own, former The Rotary Club of Parole (Annapolis) president, Scott Gregory, who was recognized as Volunteer of the Year! He was nominated by Books for International Goodwill and he is in the hearts of us all. He is a great friend and one of those who got me involved in Rotary International. Congratulations, Scott!

Parole Rotary and District 7620 spread much needed basic medical supplies around the world.
(Annapolis) - Parole Rotary supports the philosophy that we are better working together! That is why Parole Rotary is helping to distribute $20,000 of basic medical supplies to the third world countries in partnership with Rotary Clubs in District 7620.
Medicine With a Mission has provided Parole Rotary ten Project C.U.R.E. kits (each having a value of $2,000) for distribution to under-resourced countries through one of its International Service Programs. Parole Rotary will be offering Project C.U.R.E. Kits to ten Rotary District Clubs on a first-come, first-served basis.
Project manager Sandi Shanahan says “Project C.U.R.E is a partner in this project. It is the world’s largest distributor of donated medical equipment and supplies to resource-limited communities across the globe, touching the lives of patients, families and children in more than 135 countries. Working with other clubs in the district we will be reaching multiple countries as our District Rotary Clubs do philanthropic work in other countries.”
Any Rotary Club in District 7620 may apply for a Project C.U.R.E. Kit, with an estimated value of $2,000 of basic medical supplies. There are ten kits, and they will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis to any club going on an international trip to provide service to the people in another country. The service trip does not have to be medically related.
All kits are no more than 50 pounds in weight to allow for it to count as regular luggage in transport.
Project C.U.R.E. provides a gift explanation letter with a listing of the contents inside the bag to prevent any customs issues if there is an inquiry.
There is no cost to the District Club asking for a kit. There is no cost for the shipping to the individual’s home or business. The kit will be ordered and delivered to the person designated to be the one responsible for transporting the kit to the receiving country.
If you have any questions about this project, please email Sandi Shanahan at [email protected].
To apply for a Project C.U.R.E. Kit requests should go to [email protected].
Email subject line should be Project C.U.R.E. Kit request. Include the Rotary Club Name, the contact name, phone number and email of the person who will be physically taking the kit on your trip.
The Rotary Club of Parole (Annapolis) hosts Shredding & Donation Day on April 28

The Parole Rotary Club will sponsor an Shredding Day event at the Annapolis Farmers Market at 275 Harry S. Truman Pkwy, Annapolis, MD 21401 on Friday, April 28, 2024.
The event will start at 8:30 am and last until 11:30 am.
We will be shredding paper at no charge. The shredded paper will be recycled and keep it out of the landfill.
The event will start at 8:30 am and last until 11:30 am.
We will be shredding paper at no charge. The shredded paper will be recycled and keep it out of the landfill.
Additionally, we will be accepting:
• Donations of sweaters, coats, and jackets for the local #justonesweater charity organization
• Donations of used pet materials for the SPCA of Anne Arundel County.
• Donations of money for the support of Parole Rotary service projects.
All are welcome to stop by on Friday, April 28, from 8:30 to 11:30 am.
Bring whatever paper, and paper records, you no longer want.
Our shredding truck can hold up to five tons of shredded paper.
For directions:
Blood Drive to save lives
In honor and memory of Rob Smith, former Parole Rotary (Annapolis) Club President, we held a blood drive. Luminis Health's Anne Arundel Medical Center collected 17 pints of blood this morning. Those 17 pints could help over 60 patients survive their need for blood transfusions. We are all about #makingadifference

Rob Smith Memorial Blood Donor Drive

We are happy to announce the annual Rob Smith Memorial Blood Donor Drive, again in partnership with Luminis Health/Anne Arundel Medical Center. This year's Donor Drive will be on Monday, February 27, 2023, at the Annapolis Yacht Club site at 2 Compromise Street, Annapolis, MD 21403. The bloodmobile be parked at the AYC Main Parking Lot from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm on February 27. The gate on Compromise Street will be open for easy entry onto the AYC grounds.
Holiday shopping for gifts? BIG offers you an easy solution

It's time to start your Holiday Gift Shopping! Everyone likes books, or should, and Parole Rotary Club's Books for International Goodwill is having a sale on this Saturday, December 3, from 8 am to 2 pm. We have books of all types for children, teens and avid book lovers. There are even books on the US presidency in general or concerning more than one president, books on the White House and life there, and, by chronology, books, including many memoirs, on individual presidents and First Ladies. No book is more than $5. And your purchase helps support the distribution of books to those in under resourced countries. You'll be #makingadifference in so many ways.
Parole Rotary welcoms this year's inbound exchange student!
On August 20, Malaika Latif arrived from Jakarta, Indonesia to her host family in Annapolis. She is enrolled as a junior at Broadneck High School. She is one of four exchange students at Broadneck this year. Malaika is an outgoing 17 year old who speaks fluent English. Her host sister Rachel is happy to help Malaika get acquainted with classmates and experience new activities. The Parole Rotary Club supplies a monthly stipend and opportunities to join in club activities.
LOOKING FOR A HOST FAMILY– Be Part of Something Great!
Malaika will be hosted by 3 different families during her year in Annapolis. Each family hosts for 3 ½ months. She is currently living with the Spitzer family.
Hosting a Rotary International high school exchange student is a life-enhancing experience for your entire family. It’s a unique opportunity to get new perspectives, explore new customs, and share American culture and your community with others. Most of all, you’ll build special friendships and connections that often last a lifetime.
What to Expect:
- Exchange students are involved with your family, school, and Rotary events.
- Host families must live in the Broadneck High School area. They provide room, board, and school transportation, while Rotary provides a monthly stipend.
- Students are thoroughly screened and arrive with spending money and full insurance.
Parole Rotary Sponsors Broadneck Exchange Student to Brazil
Sara Oliver, a 17-year-old Rotary Interact student at Broadneck High School, has just arrived in Sorocaba, Brazil to begin a year living and studying sponsored by the Rotary Club of Parole (Annapolis). Even though she graduated from Broadneck in three years, her schooling will be the equivalent of the second half of her junior year and the first half of her senior year in Brazil.
Sara began her application process two years ago, but it was postponed because of the pandemic.
Brazil was not her first choice, but she has accepted Brazil with open arms and is very excited about her adventure.
Sarah’s mother, Mrs. Randy Oliver, accompanied her to the club’s July 12, 2022, meeting and Sara was introduced by Ric Myers, the District Youth Coordinator.
Sorocaba is a municipality in the state of São Paulo located in the southern part of Brazil. Its climate is subtropical, and her seasons there will be just the opposite of ours in the Northern Hemisphere.
The club solicits online applications from local Interact and Rotaract clubs, although non-affiliated students are also eligible. Applicants are asked to list up to five countries in order of preference, they are then interviewed by club and district members, and the final decision in matching the student with a country is made by the district taking availability and potential restrictions into consideration.
To sponsor an exchange student the club needs to express interest to Ric Myers at the district level and pay $1,000 to the district for each sponsorship. The funds are used by the district for the administration of the youth programs.After selection the exchange student is administered by the club while the district provides supervision, guidance, and training. Applications are made available early in August each year and must be submitted by the end of October. During the exchange period both the district and the club stay in touch with the student, and the student is requested to submit monthly reports.
The Parole Rotary Club will be sponsoring another exchange student starting on August 20. This will be a student from Indonesia who will attend Broadneck High School. She will be introduced to the club at the August 23 meeting.
New Officers and Directors Inducted
Every year, from top to bottom, Rotary changes its leadership teams. Rotary International gets a new president. Changes are made at the regional and district levels. And all of the 46,000 local clubs around the world install new officers and directors.
And so it was with the Rotary Club of Parole (Annapolis). John Murkey, previous president of our club and 7620 District Governor, was the presiding officer at the July 12, 2022, meeting and installed 5 new officers and 5 new directors. Below is the slate of new officers and directors who will serve, lead and keep the Rotary wheel turning for our club during the next 12 months.
President Prue Clendenning
President Elect Gene Deems
Vice President Alan Hay
Secretary Tom Haffacker
Treasurer Ed Kumian
Director-Foundation Mike Roblyer
Director-Community Service Jodi Hillmar
Director-Club Administration Wendy Rhule
Director-Youth Programs Michelle Weisberger
Director-Public Relations BJ Skinner
Immediate Past President R. Scott Gregory
John reminded us of the words of Paul Harris written years ago, “This is a changing world; we must be prepared to change with it. The story of Rotary will have to be rewritten again and again.” This is still true today, and he challenged our new president, Prue Clendening, in her key leadership role to meet these changes.
Prue, in her following remarks, vowed to meet the challenges ahead, and is looking forward to a successful year with the help of her fellow officers and directors.